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Astrologically Designed Medicinal Gardens of India

Maneesha S. R., P. Vidula, V. A. Ubarhande and E. B. Chakurkar

Vedic astrology, astral garden, celestial garden, zodiac garden

Published Online : 14 Apr 2021

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In vitro Studies on the Effect of Insecticides on the Growth of Fungal Pathogen Stemphylium vesicarium (Wallr.) Simmons 

Bhavya Mishra and R. P. Singh

Onion, Stemphylium vesicarium, insecticide, inhibition, in vitro

Published Online : 31 Aug 2018

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Economic Implications of Porcine Cysticercosis Based on Meta-Analysis Estimates of its Prevalence in India

Gajendra N. Bhangale

Cysticercosis, economic loss, hygiene, meta-analysis, taenia solium

Published Online : 30 Apr 2022

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Detection of B. anthracis from Environmental Samples during Outbreak in Tamilnadu by Molecular Methods

K. Senthilkumar, G. Ravikumar and K. G. Tirumurugaan

Anthrax, Biosafety, Cattle, Environment, PCR, Phylogenesis, Soil, Zoonoses

Published Online : 31 May 2022