Welcome to International Journal of Economic Plants
International Journal of Economic Plants, a peer-reviewed international quarterly publication, focuses widely on original knowledge and research on the native plants for human use, social life and customs. It aims on recovery of ethnic knowledge related to biota, native wild and unutilized crop species; grossly not only to recover economic plants for various human and animal uses, but also suggest research lines. The area of the journal broadly covers on forestry and allied sciences and their utilities; wood anatomy, paper pulp, fibre and allied fibres, textile technology, medicinal plant chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, economic fungus, mushroom, vegetable and horticultural crops etc. It depicts the rich relationship between plants and people encompassing the potential utilities of plants in relevance to environmental and public health policies, inter-disciplinary research strategy globally.
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Submission of an article implies that the work has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis).
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