Popular Article

Climate Change and Food Security

G. S. L. H. V. Prasada Rao

  • Page No:  044 - 045
  • Published online: 28 Feb 2016

  • Abstract
  •  gslhvprao@gmail.com

The year 2010 was the warmest year in India, followed by 2009 and the very first decade of this century recorded as the warmest since eight out of 10 years were identified as the warm years. Increase in mean annual surface air temperature across India was 0.54 oC during the last 110 years while the rate of increase was high in post monsoon and winter seasons. In the case of annual maximum and minimum surface air temperatures, it revolves around 0.8 oC and 0.2 oC, respectively. However, decline in rainfall was noticed during the monsoon season in many parts of the country since last 50−60 years. Reports indicate that rice and wheat production is likely to decline due to global warming and climate change. The national economy is mostly agrarian based and depends on onset of monsoon and its distribution. Interestingly, weather extremes of opposite in nature like cold and heat waves and floods and droughts are noticed within the same year over the same region or in different regions across the Country. Reports indicate that they are likely to increase in ensuing decades and food insecurity is likely world-over. Therefore, there should be a determined effort from developed and developing countries to make industrialisation environment-friendly by reducing greenhouse gases pumping into the atmosphere.

Keywords :   Climate change, food security, global warming


Rao GSLHVP. Climate Change and Food Security IJEP [Internet]. 28Feb.2016[cited 8Feb.2022];3(1):044-045. Available from: http://www.pphouse.org/ijep-article-details.php?art=61

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