Review Article

Role of Agronomic Biofortification in Alleviating Malnutrition

Yashbir Singh Shivay

  • Page No:  153 - 158
  • Published online: 28 Aug 2015

  • Abstract

Introduction of high yielding crop varieties in mid sixties brought a stirring ‘Green Revolution’ that remarkably enhanced the agricultural production and made country self sufficient in food grain production. But in the process, it caused a greater depletion of soil fertility and soon deficiency of micronutrients especially that of zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) cropped up in many areas. This led to Zn and Fe deficiencies in human and animal health and also an important soil constraint to efficient crop production. Generally, there is a close geographical overlap between soil deficiency and human deficiency of Zn and Fe, indicating a high requirement for increasing concentrations of micronutrients in food crops. Breeding new plant genotypes for high grain concentrations of Fe and Zn (genetic biofortification) is the most cost-effective strategy to address the problem; but, this strategy is a long-term process. A rapid and complementary approach is therefore required for biofortification of food crops with Zn and Fe in the short-term. In this regard, a fertilizer strategy (agronomic biofortification) represents an effective way for biofortification of food crops. In this review paper, several examples are presented showing that application of Zn fertilizers greatly contribute to biofortification of cereal and pulse grains with Zn to alleviate this micronutrient deficiency from the human population.

Keywords :   Agronomic biofortification, chickpea, corn, iron, oats, rice, wheat, zinc 


Shivay YS. Role of Agronomic Biofortification in Alleviating Malnutrition IJEP [Internet]. 28Aug.2015[cited 8Feb.2022];2(2):153-158. Available from:

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