Research Article

Genetic Variability in Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)

H. Dev and Vipin Sharma

  • Page No:  595 - 604
  • Published online: 30 Jun 2022
  • DOI : HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.23910/1.2022.2941b

  • Abstract

The investigation was carried out in the Department of Vegetable Science, Dr. YSPUHF, Nauni, Solan, HP, India during kharif May, 2011-January, 2012. The objective of the study was to assess the genetic variability of 40 diverse genotypes of turmeric collected from different parts of the country including 2 recommended varieties as checks viz.PalamLalima and PalamPitambar.This research work can be valued of immence importance over the time, as it may be of use for global breeders through exchange of germplasm in future.The observations were recorded on various growth, yield and quality parameters. High GCV and PCV were found for weight of mother and primary rhizomes, incidence of rhizome rot and curcumin content, indicating wide range of variations and offered better scope for improvement through clonal selection. High heritability coupled with high genetic gain were estimated for weight of mother and primary rhizomes and girth of primary rhizome, indicating that these characters were under additive gene effects and more reliable for effective clonal selection. High heritability coupled with moderate genetic gain for length and core diameter of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes, girth and weight of secondary rhizome and yield plant-1, plot-1 and hectare-1 were also observed, which indicated that clonal selection for these characters can also be effective. The overall assessment showed that there was wide variability among turmeric genotypes which has important implication for clonal selection of turmeric genotypes for yield and quality attributes.

Keywords :   Curcuma longa, heritability, quality, Turmeric, variability, yield


    Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is one of the important spice crops in India belonging to the family Zingiberaceae and plays a vital role in the national economy. It originated in the west coast of south India. Turmeric oleoresin is used in brine pickles and to some extent in non-alcoholic beverages, gelatins, butter and cheese, etc. Curcumin extracted from turmeric is used as a colorant which hasantioxidant (Tanvir et al., 2015; Tanvir et al., 2017.  and Akter et al., 2019.), anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antitumoral activities (Siju et al., 2010, Tomeh et al., 2019). Curcumin is also beneficial in treating viral disorders (Prasad and Tyagi, 2015; Kocaadam and Anlier, 2017 ) and play a great role in protecting against COVID-19 (Ciavarella et al., 2020). India is largest producer, consumer and exporter of turmeric in the world.Annual global production is 1.1 mt. India dominates the world production scenario contributing 80% followed by China (8%), Myanmar (4%), Nigeria (3%) and Bangladesh (3%). In 2020−21 India had exported 1.71 lakh tones of turmeric compared to 1.37 lakh tones in the previous year. The export demand of turmeric witnessed a rise as orders are pouring in from the middle east, USA, Europe and Southeast Asia. Right after the Covid-19 outbreak, turmeric sales have been continuously increasing in 2020-21 (Anonymous, 2020−2021). Out of the total turmeric produced in India 90% is consumed locally. Remaining 10% of the production is exported to various countries like US, UK, Middle East, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, Australia and other countries. Andhra Pradesh followed by Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra states in India constitutes the lion’s share in India’s turmeric production. In Himachal Pradesh, turmeric has not attained significant status among spice crops probably due to poor yield and being a long duration crop. But increasing monkey menace and engagement of farmers in other occupations offer better opportunities for increasing acreage under this crop in the state. The scope of improvement depends upon the magnitude of genetic variability present in the available germplasm.Genetic diversity is used as source of genes in crop improvement for production of high yielding varieties (Jan et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2013 and Kumar, 2014).  Greater the variability in the available germplasm better would be the chances of selecting superior genotypes (Ravishanker et al., 2013 and Simmonds, 1962). Wide genetic variability exists in this crop with regard to the yield, yield contributing traits and quality. Relative composition of turmeric varies considerably (Sandeep et al., 2015,Gomes et al., 2018, Gomes et al., 2019) with the geographical origin and different agroclimatic zones. Hence, for effective selection, a thorough study on genotypic and phenotypic variability is essential (Kumari et al., 2017). Correlation studies and further partitioning into various components of yield and other characters are rational approaches to understand the nature and magnitude of their relationship (Dey et al., 2021).

    However, not much work has been done on crop improvement through the selection of superior types with high yield in the state. So, there is a great need of screening turmeric germplasm to select elite genotypes with higher yield and improved quality for direct selection (Sigrist et al., 2012; Xiang et al., 2012 and Arya et al., 2016). Keeping in view the above facts, therefore it was important to study/screen the germplasm of turmeric collected from the different turmeric growing areas of Himachal Pradesh and India.


    The present investigations were carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Department of Vegetable Science, Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India during kharif  May, 2011–January, 2012, which is located at Nauni, about 13 km from Solan, at an altitude of 1276 meters above mean sea level, lying at 77 11’ 30” East and 30 52’ 30” North.The  research work carried out during 2011–2012 has great importance over time and again, as it can be used for breeders around the  globe through exchange of germplasm in future. 40 diverse genotypes of turmeric collected from different parts of the country including two recommended varieties as checks viz.PalamLalima and Palam Pitambar were used for the present investigations. Uniform size of rhizomes was directly sown in the field in the month of April, 2011 at a spacing of 30×20 cm2 in raised beds of 3×1 m2 size, accommodating 50 plants plot-1. Drainage channels were also made between plots. Each collection was sown in a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The standard cultural practices recommended in the Package of Practices for Vegetable Crops, were followed to ensure a healthy crop stand (Anonymous, 2009). Data were recorded from the mean of ten plants tagged randomly from each genotype in each replication on different characters, viz.  emergence, number of tillers and leaves plant-1, leaf length and breadth, plant girth and height, length, girth, core diameter and weight of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes, number of primary and secondary rhizomes plant-1, yield plant-1, plot-1 and ha-1, incidence of rhizome rot, dry matter recovery and curcumin content.Genotypic and phenotypic variances were estimated according to Johnson et al. (1955). The genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were calculated according to the formula suggested by Burton and De-Vane (1953). Heritability in broad sense was done according to Allard (1960). The expected genetic advance for different characters under selection was estimated using the formula suggested by Allard (1960). Genetic gain expressed as per cent ratio of genetic advance and population mean was calculated by the method given by Johnson et al. (1955).


    The results revealed highly significant differences for all the characters (Table 1 and 2).

    The germplasm provided wide variation for emergence (84.62−100.00), number of tillers (2.39−7.00) and leaves plant-1 (16.51−24.97), leaf length (48.49−76.43 cm) and breadth (11.83−18.64 cm), plant girth (9.04−28.70 cm) and height (95.73−144.85 cm), length (4.38−11.90 cm), girth (4.13−11.17 cm), core diameter (1.31−3.57 cm) and weight of mother rhizome (52.27−189.59 g), length (5.21−12.82 cm), girth (7.69−19.24 cm), core diameter (2.48−6.10 cm) and weight of primary rhizome (130.22−361.78 g) and length (3.58−9.33 cm), girth (5.45−14.05 cm), core diameter (1.70−4.44 cm) and weight of secondary rhizomes (39.24−120.70 g), number of primary (3.77−13.00) and secondary rhizomes plant-1 (3.02−10.40), yield plant-1 (176.56−427.18 g), plot-1 (8.96−20.51 g), ha-1 (180.07−411.98), incidence of rhizome rot (0.00%−9.77%), dry matter recovery (15.52%−24.76%) and curcumin content (1.53%−6.30%) which warrants the scope for isolating the genotypes on the basis of these characters.

    The estimates of variability parameters viz. range, coefficients of variation (GCV and PCV), heritability (broad sense), genetic advance and genetic gain were worked out andpresented in Table 3. Significant differences were found among the genotypes for all the characters studied.

    A rough estimate of degree of variation can be made from the range but the coefficients of variation are more reliable. The estimates of phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variability gave a clear picture of amount of variations present in the available germplasm. For all the characters studied, phenotypic coefficients of variability were higher in magnitude than genotypic coefficients of variability, though differences were very less in majority of the cases. Thus, showing that these traits are lesser influenced by environmental factors. Coefficients of variability varied in magnitude from character to character (either low or moderate or high). Therefore, it indicated that there was a great diversity in the experimental material used.

    The phenotypic coefficients of variability (PCV) were found high for incidence of rhizome rot, curcumin content, weight of mother and primary rhizomes. This reflects greater genetic variability among the genotypes for these characters for making further improvement by clonal selection. Whereas, moderate PCV were recorded for length, girth and core diameter of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes, yield plant-1, plot-1 and ha-1, weight of secondary rhizome, number of primary and secondary rhizomes plant-1, plant girth and number of tillers plant-1. For dry matter recovery, leaf length and breadth, number of leaves plant-1, plant height and emergence, phenotypic coefficients of variability (PCV) were low in magnitude. Similar results were reported by Babuet al. (1993) and Singh et al. (2003). Sinkar et al. (2005) also reported high PCV for curcumin content. However, in contradictory to present studies, Babu et al. (1993) found high PCV for number of tillers and secondary rhizomes plant-1, weight of secondary rhizome and yield plot-1 and Singh et al. (2003) found high PCV for number of secondary rhizomes plant-1, length of primary and secondary rhizomes, girth, core diameter and weight of secondary rhizome and moderate PCV for plant height and number of leaves plant-1. The genotypic coefficients of variability (GCV) were high for incidence of rhizome rot, curcumin content, weight of mother and primary rhizomes. This reflects existence of genetic variability among the genotypes for these characters for making further improvement through clonal selection. Whereas, moderate GCV were recorded for length, girth and core diameter of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes, yield plant-1, plot-1 and ha-1, weight of secondary rhizome, number of primary and secondary rhizomes plant-1 and plant girth. For number of tillers and leaves plant-1, dry matter recovery, leaf length and breadth, plant height and emergence, GCV were low. Similar results were reported by Babu et al. (1993) and Singh et al. (2003). It is also reported that moderate GCV for width and length of rhizome. High GCV for curcumin content similar to present study is reported by Sinkar et al. (2005). In contradictory to present studies, Babu et al. (1993) found high GCV for number and weight of secondary rhizomes plant-1, whereas, moderate GCV for number of tillers plant-1 and Singh et al. (2003) found high GCV for length of primary rhizome, number plant-1, girth, core diameter and weight of secondary rhizomes and moderate GCV for plant height, number of tillers and leaves plant-1. This may be due to different experimental material studied under different environmental conditions. The genotypic coefficient of variation does not offer full scope to estimate the variations that are heritable and therefore, estimation of heritability becomes necessary. The success of any selection programme depends upon the extent of heritability as well as on genetic gain which usually changes from population to population and environment to environment. Burton (1952) and Burton and De-Vane (1953) was of the opinion that the genetic coefficients of variation along with heritability gave the best picture of genetic advance to be expected from selection whereas, Johnson et al. (1955) advocated that heritability together with genetic advance is more useful than the heritability alone in predicting the resultant effect in selecting best individual. 

    The estimates of heritability (broad sense) were found high for the characters viz. yield plant-1, plot-1 and ha-1, length, girth, core diameter and weight of primary and secondary rhizomes, length, core diameter and weight of mother rhizome and dry matter recovery and moderate for girth of mother rhizome, curcumin content, leaf length, plant girth and height, incidence of rhizome rot, number of tillers and leaves plant-1, emergence, number of primary and secondary rhizomes plant-1, while, it was low for leaf breadth only. The results of present findings are in line with those reported by Singh et al. (2003) who revealed  high heritability estimates for length of mother and secondary rhizomes, girth of primary and secondary rhizomes, core diameter and weight of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes and yield ha-1; Babu et al. (1993) who reported high heritability for weight of secondary rhizome and moderate heritability for plant girth and height, number and length of leaves and number of primary rhizomes and low for leaf breadth, length and width of rhizomes showed high heritability; Lynrah et al. (1998) who reported that mother and finger rhizome yield components showed high broad-sense heritability; Jana et al. (2001) reported that yield ha-1 and weight of secondary fingers clump-1 showed high magnitude of heritability; Chattopadhyay et al. (2004) also reported that weight of secondary rhizome have high heritability; Singh et al. (2012) reported high heritability estimates for weight of mother, fresh and secondary rhizomes per plant, length and width of mother rhizome, rhizome girth and dry matter recovery. In the light of results obtained in the present studies, it is concluded that selection can be performed at phenotypic performance for highly heritable characters viz. length, core diameter and weight of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes, girth of primary and secondary rhizomes, yield plant-1, plot-1 and ha-1 and dry matter recovery.

    Genetic gain (expressed as % of population mean) was low to high in nature for different characters. It was found high for incidence of rhizome rot, weight of primary and mother rhizomes, curcumin content and girth of primary rhizome. Moderate genetic gain was observed for length and core diameter of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes, girth of mother and secondary rhizomes, weight of secondary rhizome and yield plant-1,plot-1 and ha-1. Whereas, it was recorded low for number of primary and secondary rhizomes plant-1, dry matter recovery, plant girth and height, number of tillers and leaves plant-1, leaf length and breadth, and emergence. These findings are in line with Babu et al. (1993). Singh et al. (2003) who also reported high genetic gain for weight of mother and primary rhizomes and moderate genetic gain for length, girth and core diameter of mother rhizome and yield ha-1. In contradictory to present studies, Babu et al. (1993) reported high genetic gain for number and weight of secondary rhizomes and moderate genetic gain for plant girth and number of primary rhizomes. This may be due to different environmental conditions and experimental material used.

    High heritability estimates coupled with high genetic gain were observed for weight of mother and primary rhizomes and girth of primary rhizome which indicated that these characters are under additive gene effects and are more reliable for effective clonal selection (Panse, 1957). Similar results for weight of mother and primary rhizomes have been reported by Singh et al. (2003). High heritability coupled with moderate genetic gain was observed for length and core diameter of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes, girth and weight of secondary rhizomes, yield plant-1, plot-1 and ha-1 which indicated that clonal selection for these characters can also be effective. Similar results were reported by Singh et al. (2003) for length and core diameter of mother rhizome and yield ha-1 and Singh et al. (2003) also reported similar results for length and core diameter of mother rhizome.


    High GCV and PCV for weight of mother and primary rhizomes, rhizome rot and curcumin, indicated wide range of variations. High heritability coupled with high genetic gain were estimated for weight of mother and primary rhizomes and girth of primary rhizome, whereas high heritability coupled with moderate genetic gain for length and core diameter of mother, primary and secondary rhizomes, girth and weight of secondary rhizome and yield indicated that clonal selection for these characters can be effective.

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Dev H, Sharma V. Genetic Variability in Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) IJBSM [Internet]. 30Jun.2022[cited 8Feb.2022];13(1):595-604. Available from:

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