Research Article

The Role of Parkland for Conservation of Useful Plant Species Diversity in Arba Minch, Southern Ethiopia

Mulugeta Kebebew

  • Page No:  191 - 202
  • Published online: 13 May 2019
  • DOI : HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.23910/IJBSM/2019.10.2.1953

  • Abstract

This study was conducted in parkland of  Arba Minch paradise lodge, Southern Ethiopia from February 2018 to May 2018 with the aim of documenting the plant species diversity; identify major use categories and major factors affecting the parkland of paradise lodge plant composition. Techniques used were focus group discussion, semi-structured interviews, lodge tour and free listing. A total of 124 useful plant species were documented, of which 68 (39.08%)  were ornamental plants, 49 (28.16%) food plants, and 24 (13.79%) firewood plants. Fabaceae was the dominant family represented by 10 species, followed by Euphorbiaceae with 8 species each. Parkland of Paradise lodge host a number of endemic and threatened plants in Ethiopia. Species such as Aloe gilbertii, Aloe otallensis, Enset ventricosum were the endemic plant species and Cordia africana, Juniperus procera, Podocarpus falcatus and Olea europea were indigenous plants species which highly treated in the forest. The study indicates that parkland of paradise lodge are contributing to conservation of useful plant species through production of ornamental, food plants, fodder, medicinal, timber and construction. Knowledge gap in plant breeding, lack of planting materials and seeds, lack of agricultural support system, destruction by animals, disease infestation and lack of access to land were among the main factors that affect parkland of paradise lodge plant species diversity. The study recommended that the management of useful plant species in parkland of paradise lodge will be scaled up and further expanded and assisted by agricultural extensions.

Keywords :   Parkland, paradise lodge, diversity, useful plant, Ethiopia

  • Introduction

    Urbanization is recognized as one of the greatest threats to biodiversity throughout the World. However, the vegetation within an urbanized landscape is diverse and includes a variety of native and exotic plant species (Lerman and Warren, 2011). Green spaces within residential and lodge areas provide important contributions to the sustainability of urban systems. Researchers worldwide are beginning to recognize the potential contribution of residential and lodge landscapes and yards to overall urban sustainability (Goddard et al., 2009; Owen, 2010). In the past, these were often ignored, primarily because of their small scale but this view is quickly changing (Shackleton et al., 2008, Goddard et al., 2009). Even though the major benefits of residential and lodge yard vegetation may be variable, in terms of providing ecosystem services such as food supplies, mitigation of urban heat island and urban fragmentation effects, runoff reduction, and above-ground carbon storage; as well, residential and lodge vegetation may have positive effects on the quality of human life, health, and well-being (Davies et al., 2011; Cameron et al., 2012; Vila-Ruiz et al., 2014, Melese and Daniel, 2015).

    The structural diversity of the vegetation in residential and lodge yards can be a good predictor of biological diversity in the urban environment (Müller et al., 2010; Vila-Ruiz et al., 2014). In fact, more scientists are now recognizing that green spaces in urban areas may have positive effects not only on the quality of life and wellbeing of humans, but also on overall urban biodiversity and ecological richness (Dunnett and Qasim, 2000; Müller et al., 2010).

    Many studies confirmed that the floristic information from private residential and lodge spaces can provide valuable information about the quality of private gardens as resources for urban biodiversity (Smith et al., 2006, Thompson et al., 2003). It can also offer information about the functionality of yards based on the services that plant species may be providing by being ornamental, nutritional, or medicinal (Akinnifesi et al., 2010, Vila-Ruiz et al., 2014, Melese and Daniel, 2015).

    Additionally, as commented by many authors, private residential and lodge are important for conservation of plant genetic resources(Abiyot and Zemede, 2014;Mekonnen et al., 2014; Zemede, 2002). Feleke (2000) and Solomon (2011) discussed the role of gardens for conservation in preserving traditional agricultural systems, plant species and the indigenous knowledge from severe exploitation. It is pointed out by Agelet et al. (2000) that gardens are useful mechanisms for conserving non-crop species and based up on the diversity present, can be considered as gene banks for primitive cultivars with potential values. In addition, as mentioned by Zemede and Ayele (1995) and Zemede (2001), gardens are being used as informal experimentation plots for new varieties and exotic species.

    Arba Minch is a growing resort town in Southern Ethiopia, situated by two large lakes (Abaya and Chamo Lakes) that are separated by a land bridge. Lodges and hotels with a surrounding garden are a very common feature. However, no information is available about plant species diversity and its significance for plant biodiversity conservation and sustainability of urban systems. To gather information a survey was conducted on plant species diversity management practices and their contribution for plant diversity conservation in parkland of Arba Minch paradise lodges.

  • Materials and Methods

    2.1. Description of the study area

    Arba Minch is the capital town of the Arba Minch Zuria district; about 500 km from capital city of Ethiopia called Addis Ababa. The district has a latitude and longitude of 06°2'N 37°33'E with an altitude ranges from 1200 to 1285 meters above sea level (Mulugeta and Gemechu, 2016). The temperature of the area ranges between (17-30 °C). Rainfall distribution is bimodal mostly occurring in March, April and May and between September and November. Annual rainfall averages around 900 mm. The wet season includes March, April, May, September, October and November and the dry season includes December, January and February (Mulugeta and Erchafo, 2017).  According to 2012 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 95,373, of whom 47,687 were men and 47,686 were women. Arba Minch is known as a source for fruit, including mango, banana, orange, apple, guava and pineapple, and is also known for its fish farms. Indicating its richness of fish a local singer named Abile Chedo sang the song “Nu Dere Gamo Gofa Oycha Arbaminche muziri kalsi yedes Abaya-Chamo mole”.

    2.2.  Data collection

    The study was carried out in the parkland of Arba Minch Paradise lodge in 2018. Field work was conducted during the period from February 2018 to May 2018. The site was visited three times including the reconnaissance survey. Techniques used were lodge tour, complete plant inventory, focus group discussion, semi-structured interviews and free listing (Reta, 2016). The interview and discussions was conducted in Amharic language and translated into English language during data analysis. Ethno botanical techniques were employed to collect data on knowledge and management of lodge plants in Arba Minch city as described in Martin (1995) and Cotton (1996). From total lodges in Arba Minch city, only one was selected purposely. The choice of the lodge was based on their proximity to Abaya campus, Arba Minch University, and the lodge garden practices, in which many plant species were dominated. During the different visits to the lodge semistructured interviews with both lodge gardener were conducted on different aspects: Categories of use of plants in the lodge; preferred useful plant species by lodge, planting material, challenges and constraints. Information obtained was recorded and coded for latter analysis. The collected materiel was indentified using the Flora of Ethiopia/ and Eritrea books (volumes 1-8), internet and botanist and assistance from the technical stuff of the Arba Minch university.

    2.3.  Data analysis  

    Data were analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet (2010). The Excel was used to calculate sum, percentages, tabulate and draw graphs. A descriptive statistic procedure like percentage and frequency distribution were employed for analyzing plant diversity, plant habit, and major use categories.

  • Results and Discussion

    3.1. Taxonomic diversity of plants species in the parkland of paradise lodge In the surveyed lodge a total of 124 plant species were observed and identified(Appendix I - V).

    Among the total plant species recorded, 81 (65.32%) species were indigenous while the rest 43 (34.68%) were exotic useful plants managed to various degrees in the lodge. This result showed that parkland of Arba Minch paradise lodge is rich in plants species as shown by the presence of 124 species exhibiting wide taxonomic diversity. The relative high number of plant species in the study area may be due to the management of lodge includes tree planting, watering, weeding and fencing.

    The plant species observed and identified belongs to 102 genera and 58 families. Family wise distribution shows that  the maximum plant species recorded in the lodge were for family of Fabaceae with 10 species followed by Euphorbiaceae with 8 species, Lamiaceae and Solanaceae each with 6 species, Apocynaceae, Araceae, Bignoniaceae and Poaceae each with 5 species, Meliaceae and Moraceae each with 4 species  were found to be the most species rich families but some of the families like Agavaceae and Combretaceae  each with 3 species, Aloaceae, Arecaceae, Asteraceae, Cannaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cupressaceae, Dracaenaceae, Malvaceae, Moringaceae, Musaceae, Myrtaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Rutaceae  and Verbenaceae  each with 2 species  and the rest of the families (32) were found to be the least species rich families (1 species each) (Figure 1). In the present study the majority of Arba Minch lodges even though they have large access of land, they contain low number of species diversity due to lack of knowledge gaps on cultivation, management and conservation of plant species.

    3.2.  Growth habit of plant species in the parkland paradise lodge

    The results of growth form analysis of useful plants showed that trees made up the highest proportion being represented with 43 species (34.68%) followed by herbs 38(30.65%), shrubs 35(28.23%) and climbers 8(6.45%). Trees and herbs make up the highest proportion (65.33%) of the plant species (Figure 2). This could be related to the fact that the lodge are dominated by trees and herbs species due to environmental condition. This and field observation during data collection clearly confirmed the occurrence of high management in matured tree, shrub and herb of the lodge by watering, weeding and fencing. The result of getting more number of tree species agreed with that of Melese  and  Daniel (2015) and Chaminda and Rasika (2014).

    3.3.  Major use categories of plants species in the parkland paradise lodge

    The result of the study showed that the plant species identified in the study area were placed into various use categories. Most of the plants species grown in the surveyed lodge have multiple uses and therefore they not only fulfill the nutritional requirement but also in one or other case the monitory needs of the lodge by the sold of the products in the lodge. For this study, five major plant use categories were identified (Figure 3). Moreover, the result on use of garden plants for diverse benefits agreed with the reports of Hoft et al. (1999) and Ashenafi (2009) in that indigenous people often have a wealth of knowledge and experience about local plant resource and rely on them for food, medicine, construction, firewood and so on. The lodge is not only important sources of food, fuel, medicines, spices, construction materials and fodder but are also important for in-situ and ex-situ conservation of a wide range of plant genetic sources.

    3.3.1.  Ornamental plants species

    The most plant species cultivated in the parkland of Arba Minch paradise lodge were ornamental plants (Figure 4).

    Ornamental plant species are the most diversified, abundant and species rich use category. The ornamental plant use category consisted of 68(39.08%) species from which 22 (32.35%) are native to Ethiopia, 46 (67.65%) is exotic. The ornamental plant species are distributed among 38 families with Apocynaceae, Bignoniaceae, Euphorbiaceae (5 species each) and Malvaceae (4 species each) presented the largest number of species corresponding to 27.94% of the total ornamental plants found in the parkland of paradise lodge. The major contributor to diversity of urban environments is horticultural floras which are mostly characterized by ornamental plants and vegetables (Marco et al., 2008).  According to Nair (1993), the high number of ornamental plants is associated with the aesthetic role of gardens in cities. The number of ornamental plants has increased in areas near, as well as in urban areas in response to the process of modernization and the large supply of these plants in cities (Moura and Andrade, 2007). Most of the plants surveyed in the parkland of Arba Minch paradise lodge are exotic and widely disseminated throughout Arba Minch city. The most frequently distributed ornamental plants are Melia azedarch, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Cupressus lusitanica, Callistemon citrinus, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Senna spectabilis, Duranta repens, Duranta erecta, Bougainnvillea glabra, Nerium olander, Terminalia mentalis, Araucaria heterophylla, Thevetia peruviana, cupercus lustantica and Ficus benjamina.

    3.3.2.  Food plants species

    The food plant constitutes 49(28.16%) species of the total useful plant flora of parkland paradise lodge. Among food plants fruits comprises 12(24.49%), spices 8(16.33%), cereals, pulses and oils 7(14.29%), root and tuber crops 6(12.24%), vegetables, stimulant and fodder 5 (10.20% each) and stimulant is the least 1 (2.04%) (Figure 5 and 6).

    A high number of food plants belonged to the Lamiaceae (6 species) followed by Fabaceae and Solanaceae (5 species each), Poaceae (4 species),  Euphorbiaceae and Rutaceae (3 species each). The most widely distributed food crops are Zea mays with a frequency of occurrence, Enste ventricosum, Musa paradisiaca, Mangifera indica, Carica papaya, Persea americana, Sccharum officinarum and Brassica rapa. The majority food crops cultivated are used for household consumption. Fruit species commonly found in the study parkland of paradise lodge are Papaya (Carica papaya), Banana (Musa paradisiaca), Avocado (Persea americana) and Mango (Mangifera indica). The most commonly used spices were Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens, Coriandrum sativum, Menta spicata, Ruta chalpensis, Rosmarinus officinalis Ocimum basilicum. The most commonly used fragrant plant species in the majority of home gardeners were Olea europea, Cympogen citrates and Ocimum lamiifolium.

    3.3.3.  Medicinal plants species

    A total of 19 plant species with medicinal value were recorded and this accounted for (10.92%) of the total plant species documented. Species of family Lamiaceae and Aloaceae were the most used for remedies representing nearly 26.32% of all medicinal plants. The majority of medicinal plants are trees 10 (52.63%) followed by shrubs 6(31.58%) and  herbs 3(15.79%). The most frequently utilized plant parts were leaf 8(38.10%), stem 6(28.57%) followed by root 3 (14.29%) (Figure 7). Ninety seven percent of medicinal plants documented in the study area are indigenous. Top ten medicinal plants species commonly used were  Moringa stenopetala, Ocimum lamiifolium, Ruta chalepensis, Solanum incanum, Vernonia amygdalina, Eucalyptus globulus, Carica papaya, Azadiachta indica, Coffee arabica and Dodonaea angustifolia.

    3.3.4.  Timber (furniture) plants species

    Timber plant species constitue 14 plant species which accounted 8.05% of all plant species documented. Timber plant species which frequently occurred in the parkland of paradise lodge namely Melia azedarch, Grevillea robusta, Cupresuss lustanica, Cordia africana and Podocarpus falcatus. Among 14 plant species recorded 3 were indigenous plants which were highly treated in the forest namely Juniperus procera, Podocarpus falcatus and Olea europea.

    3.3.5.  Firewood plant species

    The results of the study revealed that a total of 24 plant species which accounted 13.79% belonging to different family with different habit (shrub and tree) were recognized in parkland of paradise lodge. Of the plant species, about 21 were trees and 3 were shrubs. The maximum plant species recorded in the lodge was for family of Fabaceae. Firewood plant species which frequently occurred in the park land of paradise lodge namely Eucalyptus globulus, Melia azedarch, Grevillea robusta, Cupresuss lustanica, Cordia africana and Podocarpus falcatus. Among 24 plant species recorded 16 were indigenous and the rest exotic plant species.

    3.4.  Endemic and threatened plant species

    Conservation usually focuses on either endemic, threatened or economically, ecologically and culturally useful plant species. The parkland of  paradise lodge contains a number of flowering plant species that are endemic to Ethiopia. Endemic plant species of Ethiopia and their level of threat have been given in Ensermu et al. (1992) and Vivero et al. (2005). Consequently, the parkland of paradise lodge host a number of endemic and threatened plants in Ethiopia ( Figure 8). Aloe gilbertii, Aloe otallensis, Enset ventricosum were the endemic plant species identified from the parkland of paradise lodge (Hedberg and Edwards, 1989; Edwards et al., 1995; 1997; 2000; Hedberg et al., 2004). Some indigenous plants species which were highly treated in the forest namely Cordia africana, Juniperus procera, Podocarpus falcatus and Olea europea.

    3.5.  Gardener role in the parkland Lodge plant species management

    The management of lodge includes tree planting, watering, weeding and fencing. The gardeners maintain the lodge soil fertility by using animal manure and leaf litter. Both men and women are involved in the management of  lodge parkland. Mostly the people are spent most of their time in the management of parkland in the paradise lodge. Some men and women managed plant species diversity by planting, watering and weeding while other managed  by cultivation of food crops, ornamental, medicinal plants, fencing, digging, designing, searching seeds and other activities. Most youth participated in the cultivation of ornamental plants near road side, bed rooms and green space area of the lodge for recreation, enjoyment and gardens attractive for guests (Figure 9).

    3.6.  Factors that affect plant species diversity of parkland in paradise lodge

    According to the semi structured interview report the main constraints of parkland were knowledge gap in plant breeding, lack of planting materials and seeds, lack of agricultural support system, destruction by wild animals and disease infestation. The main source of planting materials in  the study area are market, cultivating in their gardens and from relatives. Agricultural office and institute are also another source of planting materials.

  • Conclusion

    Among the 124 species identified, Fabaceae was dominant followed by Euphorbiaceae. The populations are composed of ornamental (68), food (49), medicinal (19), timber (14) and firewood (24). The present study indicates that high useful plant species diversity documented in the park land of Arba Minch paradise lodge was associated with the management of lodge includes tree planting, watering, weeding and fencing. The number of ornamental plant species diversity in the study area is higher. Conservation of useful plant species needs attention in Ethiopia in general and Arba Minch city in particular.

  • Acknowledgement

    We acknowledge Parades lodge, Arba Minch University, the National Herbarium of Ethiopia for their contribution during the study.

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Kebebew M. The Role of Parkland for Conservation of Useful Plant Species Diversity in Arba Minch, Southern Ethiopia IJBSM [Internet]. 13May.2019[cited 8Feb.2022];10(1):191-202. Available from:

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